Congratulation to our team CRAR

Congratulation to our team CRAR

                       We have received an award in 3rd place in APEC YES Challenge 2020. YES defines as Young Entrepreneurial Solution for a green economy and inclusive society held by APEC Research Center for Advanced Biohydrogen Technology. We have 5 Ph.D. students from Thaksin University and Prince of Songkla University, Edy Kurniawan (Sustainable development, TSU). Wisarut Tukanghan (Biotechnology, TSU). Supattra In-Chan (Biotechnology, TSU). Nikannapas Usmanbaha (Energy Technology, PSU). Fidia Fibriana (Industrial Biotechnology, PSU). Mentor: Asst.Prof. Sompong O-Thong . (Acting Deputy Director of International College) with various research fields in sustainable development, biotechnology, and energy technology.